jeudi 26 mai 2011


On the website of RELATORIO you have some examples of how RELATORIO works.

I have take basic.odt which is proposed on here (if you install RELATORIO, you have all files you need on your computer) and I have openned this file with the archive manager and this is what I have:
-4 repositories: Configurations2, META-INF, Pictures and Thumbnails
-5 files: content.xml, meta.xml, mimetype, settings.xml, styles.xml
On, I have learn the role of the different parts of a ODT file (more details here).

I have also save this file with the .fodt extension.

Files content.xml, settings.xml, styles.xml and meta.xml are exactly in the fodt file (with little changements for content.xml because of pictures)

In fodt files, pictures are represented by binary data but in the odt you only have a link to this one and the it's stored in the pictures repository.

Now I know exactly the connection beetween this two type file. But I still have some problems to determine how RELATORIO deals with odt files it is why I have to ask my mentors some questions.

I'm on my examination session (of the end of the year) during three weeks so I will be not very productive but if I fall behind I will immediatly recover my losted time after my session because I will be on holiday.

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